The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) has revoked the Nationwide ELD and ONE PLUS ELD's, due to both company's failure to meet the minimum requirements established in 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A.

The ELDs can be identified by the following:
ELD Name: Nationwide ELD
ELD Model number: NWTELDV1.1
ELD Identifier: NWT001
ELD Provider: Nationwide Technologies Inc
ELD Name: ONE PLUS ELD (n/k/a 1 PL Logs)
ELD Model number:ORS
ELD Identifier: ORS160
ELD Provider: ONE PLUS ELD (n/k/a 1 PL LOGS)
ELD Registration ID: 8J3V
These devices will now appear on the FMCSA's Revoked Devices list. Motor carriers and drivers using the devices must replace them before April 4, 2023 for Nationwide ELD and April 10, 2023 for ONE PLUS ELD.
Motor carriers and drivers who use the device listed above must take the following actions:
Discontinue using the revoked device(s) and revert to paper logs or alternative logging software to record required hours of service data.
Replace the revoked device(s) with compliant ELD(s) from the Registered Devices list before the dates listed above.
Make sure to check out our online DOT Training platform, DOT University! We currently are offering Reasonable Suspicion for Supervisors, Cargo Securement, Defensive Driving, and Pre/Post Trip Inspection. In the coming months, we plan on releasing Designated Employer Representative and Appendix A.
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