Maintenance on your vehicles is part of vehicle ownership, whether that's your personal vehicle you use daily or the commercial motor vehicle you're using for work. In the commercial trucking industry, as vehicles are the main aspect of the business, this is crucial for you and your fleet!
Preventative maintenance is not exclusive to the commercial trucking industry. Most machines require some level of regular maintenance to keep operating at peak performance. Preventative maintenance includes cleaning, oil changes, windshield wiper replacement and all the regular maintenance that has to be done on personal vehicles to keep them running. Regularly monitoring your vehicles allows you, and your maintenance team, to know when the vehicle is about to hit a milestone and when specific parts need replaced.
The preventive maintenance program starts with a simple visual walk around, otherwise known as a pre/post trip inspection. This shows the driver, and the maintenance technician, potential issues and malfunctions with the vehicle along with the routine maintenance the vehicle requires. Ensure your drivers are properly trained in completing a pre/post trip inspection and filling out the Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR).
There is a lot that goes into a good preventative maintenance program, and lucky for you Front Range Compliance is here to help. We can come in, look at your fleet and create a program that is specifically tailored to your fleet. We provide training for your drivers to learn to spot the potential malfunctions and training for your maintenance technicians to merge their technical knowledge with the requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to ensure the maintenance is being done and accounted for properly. Contact Front Range Compliance Services today to help you get your program started and to keep you off the radar!